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O.K. I admit it. At times I find myself envious, even jealous of the pro-hunters and fisher folk that made the big time. They get to hunt or own expansive tracts of private ground and hunt the big name ranches. Basically do the things that I dream about doing.


Trapped in a workaday world, an average outdoorsman has to squeeze a busy schedule just to find time to slug it out on the public lands and small tracts of private property that one has been lucky enough to garner permission to enter. I`m sure that many of you out there can relate to this. 


That`s one of my reasons for this project. I want to give some insight into the other side of outdoor adventures, the side not often seen in the hunting and fishing shows on the T.V. While we may scrimp and save to charter a boat, or take a guided hunt, we're basically  trying to enjoy the outdoors on layman's terms, sharing those adventures with you!


                                                      EARLY FALL FISHING IN TENNESSEE    

 Our move to Tennessee might have seemed unexpected to some. But that's not the case. We have been visiting the state for years, and had decided long ago that the abundant fishing, hunting, outdoor recreation it offers was more our speed for retirement. Now that it's arrived, we plan to take full advantage of oppourtunities, exploring all the state has to offer and sharing those adventures with you. Below, you can join us sampling some of the fall fishing in a local river. More will be on the way soon!